LongView Bible Church Leadership

Edward C. Lee

Founding Pastor
Edward is the founder and senior pastor of LongView Bible Church, additionally he is the founder of Elevate Your Marriage, a ministry to give engaged and married Christian couples a renewed foundation in Christ. Edward has been blessed to share the truth and love of Christ through preaching, writing and marriage conferences throughout the United States and on a few special occasions in Ghana and Turin, Italy. Above all, Edward loves to spend time with his wife, Kimber and son, Connor.

Executive Board Members

Merlyn Clarke

Jonathan Coleman

Minister Charles Watson

Lamont Connor

JoeAnn Weaver

Leadership Team

Lamont Connor

Outreach Ministry Team Director

Kevin Dorsey

A/V Videographer

Andrei James

IT/Facilities Manager/A/V Ministry

Merlyn Clarke

Prayer Ministry

Essex Weaver

Security Ministry

Joe Ann Weaver

Security Ministry

Charles Watson

Quincy Williams

Security Ministry

Harry Carroll

A/V Ministry

Barbara James

Ushers Ministry

Amber Wade

Praise & Worship Leader